Friday, March 28, 2008

Who's Talking????

Cant imagine the number of people in this world..Cause that will be daunting task for some one like me..Count them all and then try to mimic them!!!!!!!!yeah what started as a way of making fun of my teachers in school(sorry mom..),has turned into quite a good fun, a hobby to define it.Its like see them, hear them and then talk like them.
One of the many memories from school is my last year in it.Last year, no fear of teachers, not bothered to be a son of a teacher, just be as if you are born to be wild.Most often i would find my self thrown out of the class with my group..and hence started the mimicry, enacting how teachers would shout at us while throwing us out.What started as a kind of protest, soon developed into how accurate was i at my trade.Each time i was thrown out, i would improve a bit... :)
Moving on, i could not continue to shine in my junior college.I din't knew any of my profs cause i never attended any of the lectures.My junior college was not bothered about any kind of attendance..100%, 5%, all were the same.I was made aware of my skills, which i had to hone a bit.....It was like i had just forgot about it...More was to come..
Bollywood, yeah the hindi film industry was growing, so were the stars and so were the spoofs on them.The FULLY FALTOO show is till date, the most influential show for me.I found sooo many characters, actors to mimic..and it just was upwards from then on..THAKUR, SRK, ASHOK KUMAR, SAIF..and all those superheros were on my hit list..Come engineering and i never had thought my skills would reach a new level..People were actually surprised when i would me...cause most of the time, profs, fellow classmates, BARGIRLS like soni...(aka navin prabhakar) would be talking during lectures, in the canteen, in the bus..i was on a roll.I myself was unable to understand how could i talk in other people's voices.The principle was aptly applied..SEE THEM..HEAR THEM..TALK LIKE THEM..
Its really funny how sometimes people were surprised to hear me in my own voice, not trying to take a dig at someone or the other.I would mimic someone, ask someone to guess it, and most of the time, i was talking properly...mimicking properly i should say.
Its been the same thing here in Roch..The profs are not as much yet on the radar .The accent has yet to be developed.But my group here has had their dose of bollywood and they seem to be enjoying it..I have made some of my engineering college professors quite famous here..They talk..and my folks are really in awe of them..!!!!!!!!!!!!
As i continue in this rich vein of form, i try to be myself sometimes.. :), lest anyone would forget how i talk.For the original is always the masterpiece..Till i find another topic to put up,

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hair Cuts

Well...the career fair is coming up...and with the hope of getting an internship, i am all geared up updating my resumes, and all d usual stuff. But with all this, there's one thing which i am all geared up to loose..rather cut...the HAIR!!!, one of my prized possessions....well ya i do consider it a prized one..Its been quite a while since i cut my hair ...(Not because its considered an expensive thing back home..cutting hair in US..10$ and stuff, but i simply love growing my hair out..)and since the past 2-3 years, i have cut my hair only 2-3 times, once for my internship in my last semester, yeah PRODUCTION ENGINEERING did have one...and once before my visa interview...
Since the dawn of my engineering days, growing hair was a challenge more than a passion for me. During my junior college days, i had tried nearly all of the hair cuts that were ' in' during those times. The SPIKE cut had my mother going overboard with her reactions, once she was sure that i had willingly cut my hair that way and was not ragged in the college..... :).I wonder what might have happened if i had the MOHAWK done..!!!So come engineering and i thought she would actually support my Hair growing thing.. But..
2 attempts and after severe words of wisdom from all of my relatives i nearly accomplished what i had set to when my sister's wedding came. "CUT THE HAIR OR DON'T COME TO THE WEDDING", well it was not the option for me and down went my tresses. By the 3rd year of my engineering, the resolve had become much stronger and 3 months into my 5th semester, i was mysteriously struck by HERPES....(i was tired telling people that it was a viral thing and not a STD as presumed by some...well...)..So cut the hair..
6th Semester and nothing was going to stop me..i did manage a whole semester without an appointment to the salon..(as if any was needed to go to the OM Hair Cutting salon)..7th Semester started and my college professors went on asking me are you quitting college and taking up modeling????Well i tried to take it as a compliment...and then came the thing which actually prompted me to write this blog..INTERNSHIP..Fortunately we dint have to hunt for any as the college ensured we got in somewhere, but it was interview time and hence with all the happy memories, i had to shed the long locks..
As i keep wondering bout the good old days, i am ready for another hair cut..Wonder what i'll say to the hair dresser( It was fun back home when a lady cut my hair for the 1st was in JUICE..I was like just cut anyway you want...You've already made my day..)..But the memories will be cherished..I don't know whether i'll be as excited as i was some years ago to again grow these kids but its always worth the effort..back then i had got in...After this career fair..I hope i do it again..